Visa Platinum - anb

Relax at more than 25 Airport lounges

25% Jumeirah hotel

20% Jumeirah dining

The entertainer

Merchant discounts

Easy Pay Program
25 Lounges, DragonPass Dine&fly, 15% YQ airport, Visa Luxury hotel, 25% Jumeirah hotel, 20% Jumeirah dining
Medical & travel assistance, Extended warrantee, purchase protection, fraudulent card misuse
anb Rewards, Merchant discount, Easy Pay, 20% Avis, Entertainer
Yearly Fees | 300 SAR |
Credit card purchase rate (APR) | 35.54% |
International purchase rate | 2.75% |
Yes, all bank cards are compatible with the provisions of Islamic Sharia, where a commodity is bought and sold in the form of tawarruq.
Your anb card can be activated easily through anb Online service or by calling for all customers segments: 8001244040 and for Gold and Platinum customers: 8001240088
You can avail of any of anb's credit cards for your online purchases quickly and securely through the advanced verification system provided by Visa and MasterCard, where your OTP code is sent to your registered mobile.
Yes, you can issue additional cards upon your request.
You can easily pay your card dues through anb e-channels: Arabi Online, anb Mobile, anb Phone, anb ATMs, and any of anb’s branches.
There are no fees for any transfers with partner merchants and 1% apply with non-partner merchants.