Letter of Credit

Conditional payment undertaking in favor of the seller against delivering of the shipping documents to the buyer in accordance with the Letter of credit terms and conditions. it is issued by the bank in favor of the seller and under its terms stipulates a specific amount and a description of the good and method of shipping and collection of the goods. A documentary credit is independent from the underlying transaction or contract. 

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Letter of Guarantee

An irrevocable undertaking to pay in favor of the beneficiary of the guarantee upon request, issued by the bank in favor of the beneficiary under its terms stipulating a specific amount and a fixed expiration date. The letter of guarantee is independent from the underlying transaction or contract.
Types of Letter of Guarantees that ANB is providing:
1-    Bid Guarantee
2-    Performance Guarantee
3-    Advance Payment Guarantee
4-    Payment Guarantee
5-    Customs Guarantee
6-    Shipping Guarantee

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Documentary Collection

It is a payment method whereby the bank collects payment in favor of the seller by delivering documents to the buyer

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LC Invoice Discounting

It is a service provided by the Arab National Bank under special conditions, which enables the seller to collect the value of the invoice before its payment due date by the buyer on the documentary credit.

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Contact us:
Trade Operations Center - Central Region
Tel: 0114029000   
Ext: 8520/3627/2979/2168
Email: TOC_Central@anb.com.sa

Trade Operations Center - Western Region
Tel: 0126034426/0126034419
Email: TOC_West@anb.com.sa

Trade Operations Center - Eastern Region
Tel: 0138396753/0138396782
Email: TOCEast@anb.com.sa