Compliance & AML Statements
Anti-Money Laundering
Latest update: Aug 7, 2024

anb has implemented an AML/CTF program to comply with the Saudi AML/CTF Law and other applicable rules and regulations set forth by the Saudi Central Bank (SAMA).


Please click on the AML Policy Statement for further information.


AML Questionnaire: 

Wolfsberg AML Questionnaire


Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA):

FATCA - Individual Customer Information Leaflet
Individual Tax Residency Self-Certification
FATCA – Entity Self-Certification Form

Code of Conduct and Banking Practices
Latest update: Sep 26, 2022

Standards of Conduct and Banking Practices (Derived from the Code of Conduct and Banking Practices)

The Bank is committed to conduct its business in accordance with the highest ethical standards, relevant legislation and regulation. The Code of Conduct and Banking Practices details the Bank’s values in relation to responsible ethical behavior, and clarifies the standards expected from all employees. Ethical behavior is expected of all Bank staff while conducting their assigned responsibilities and is necessary to effectively achieve the Bank’s goals and objectives.

Standards of professional practices are an integral component of the Code of Conduct and Banking Practices, and provide the basic principles for consistent adherence by staff while conducting their duties and responsibilities.


Standards of Conduct and Banking Practices

  • Our reputation as a trusted bank is our most precious asset. We all share a responsibility to maintain this trust at all times, and adhere to professional conduct and public morality through the following:
    • Implement the highest standards of transparency, integrity, honesty and good morals in all dealings with colleagues and stakeholders.
    • Avoid any conduct that discredits and dishonors the job, office and dignity both inside and outside the workplace, avoid any type of behavior or practices that violate public decency, customs, traditions and norms, avoid discussions on politics, religion and sectarianism, and avoid incitement and all forms of racism. 
    • Perform duties accurately and objectively in a manner that serves business interests, and enhance work skills through continuous learning and training.
    • Maintain the confidentiality of business information and not disclose any information that may damage the interests of the Bank if disclosed, both during and after leaving the Bank’s employment. 
    • Ensure understanding and implementing the laws, and not circumvent, violate, or neglect them.
  • Stakeholders are of great importance to the Bank and must be treated in a manner consistent with the objectives of transparency, integrity, and cooperation to the highest professional standards. 
  • Maintain our customers’ trust which calls for respecting and protecting information privacy and confidentiality. Information obtained exclusively in the course of performing job duties must be used in compliance with the provisions of applicable laws, rules, regulations and internal policies and procedures.
  • The Bank is committed to providing a safe and supportive workplace environment. All employees are expected to do their best to create, instill and nurture a workplace culture that is free from violence, harassment, intimidation, bias, and unlawful discrimination. Comply with Ministry of Labor and Social Development Rules on Protection against Misconduct at the workplace.
  • Promptly report any unethical behavior, misconduct, actual or suspected breaches and violations through the approved reporting channels. 


Fundamental Responsibilities and Obligations  

  • Observe Supervisory and Regulatory Laws and Regulations.
  • Co-operate with Regulators. 
  • Adhere to anb Policies and Procedures.
  • Maintain Confidentiality of Information and Data. 
  • Stay alert for Money Laundering and Suspicious Transaction.
  • Combat Fraud and Corruption and not engage in any sort of ethical or administrative corruption whatsoever, nor employ any suspected or illegal means to accomplish tasks. Make sure to report cases of fraud or corruption or any suspicious cases thereof through any of the below channels: 


Staff Responsibilities to Customers

  • Employees shall also deal fairly and objectively with all customers, ensure integrity and exhibit no bias. 
  • Ensure Product Suitability for the Customers and never sell a product or service to a customer that is not suitable to the customer's needs.  
  • Advertise Products and services fairly.
  • Handle complaints in a swift, courteous, tactful, attentive, fair, and impartial manner.


Staff Responsibilities to the Bank

  • Adhere to Code of Conduct and Banking Practices and Bank policies and procedures and exercise sound judgment when it comes to accepting or offering gifts to or from stakeholders in order to maintain the integrity of the Bank and its employees. 
  • Report all violations and breaches. 
  • Caution must be exercised at all times to avoid dealings that could involve a conflict of interest situation between the Bank and the employee’s personal interest. And in case discovered report it immediately and take the appropriate measures.  
  • Adhere to Bank policies.
  • Social media should not be used to discuss matters relating to daily work duties or work progress, nor to speak badly of or abuse the Bank. 
  • Refrain from disclosing customer information to unauthorized parties.


Information Security

  • All regular and outsourced employees and third party users must read the security policies and standards of Arab National Bank, understand them thoroughly, and take necessary precautions to protect information security, assets and information systems, and avert potential risks consequent upon inappropriate utilization.


Confidentiality of Inside Information

  • Bank staff may sometimes be entrusted with material inside Information. Such Information may be retained, but shall not be misused.


Confidentiality of Intellectual Property Information

  • The Bank is committed to the implementation of intellectual property protection laws. As such, intellectual property rights of the Bank or other parties may not be utilized without proper approval or authorization. 

Whistleblowing Policy

  • Every employee has a responsibility to report any violations or breaches to the laws, regulations, and supervisory/regulatory directives, as well as violations and breaches of internal policies and procedures, to the Compliance and AML Group. Employees may keep their identity anonymous when reporting a violation, breach or misconduct through the Bank provided reporting channels. 
  • Stakeholders including Bank partners, customers, service providers, or officers of government entities can communicate with the Bank and report any incident related to any aspect of the Code of Conduct and Banking Practices.
  • Any person can report an incident related to any aspect of the Code of Conduct and Banking Practices through the following link.