09 Jul, 2024

موظفو وموظفات البنك العربي الوطني anb يوزّعون المعينات الطبية على الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة بالأحساء

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13 Jun, 2024
معمل البنك العربي الوطني anb الذكي في مدارس "مداك" يوفّر بيئة تدريبية ومنهجية وابتكارية لأكثر من 400 طالبا وطالبة خلال السنة الأولى لتشغيله
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12 Jun, 2024
"عون" ...برنامج إذاعي عبر UFM بالشراكة مع البنك العربي الوطني anb يسلّط الضوء على المبادرات التطوعية لدعم جهود المملكة لإنجاح موسم الحج
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30 Oct, 2023

arab national bank announces the launching of an inquiry service for uncollected dividends on its website

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21 Sep, 2023
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05 Sep, 2023

anb a diamond sponsor in the ‘Seamless Saudi Arabia 2023’ Conference and Exhibition

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01 Aug, 2023

البنك العربي الوطني يبحث تطبيق مشاريع الابتكار الفائزة في هاكاثون anb Beyond

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24 Jul, 2023

anb announced Net Profit of SAR 2,054 million for the six months ended June 30, 2023

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23 Jul, 2023



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18 Jul, 2023

anb is the first bank to obtain certification for latest version of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS-V4)


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22 Jun, 2023

anb initiative to serve pilgrims


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15 May, 2023

The arab national bank announces participation in the investment in the establishment of the Arab Bank of Iraq


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03 May, 2023

arab national bank (anb) announced Net Profit of USD 284.7 million Q1 2023


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17 Apr, 2023

The Arab National Bank Announces the appointment of the Chair and Vice Chair of the Board of Directors. 


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29 Mar, 2023

The Board of Directors of the Arab National Bank Bank’s is pleased to announce the results of the Ordinary General Assembly’s Meeting (First Meeting) 


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12 Mar, 2023

The Arab National Bank General Assembly Meeting (First Meeting) by Means of Modern Technology.


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05 Mar, 2023

Resignation Announcement of an Audit Committee Member


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14 Feb, 2023

Demonstrating its effective strategy for transformation and performance efficiency:


arab national bank reached a net income of SAR 3,070 million in 2022 at a growth of 41%


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29 Jan, 2023

anb employees participate in the "Winter Clothing" convoy in

Riyadh, Tabuk and Arar

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