Development and Belonging










Our Approach
Our Areas of Focus
Our Inspiring Projects

Our Social Responsibility

arab national bank (anb) realizes that we owe a duty towards our society, our country, and its people. This responsibility is at the heart of our mission and is a fundamental pillar of our role in the economy. Through its actions, the Bank seeks to fulfil its responsibility to society, contribute to achieving the nation’s sustainable development goals and empower the country’s citizens through a series of initiatives and programs. The ultimate goal is to achieve a better tomorrow for our people; to create the conditions for advancement and progress for all; and to help shape a country that will inspire and motivate everyone.

Our Vision

To be a pioneer in sustainable development and social responsibility in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and beyond.

Our Message

Adopting an integrated framework of qualitative community focused initiatives and programs that positively impact our society and contribute to the comprehensive national development and support the Saudi Vision 2030 objectives.

Our Goals

1. We seek to develop and deploy initiatives that will contribute to the Bank playing an effective role in achieving the transformational goals of Saudi Vision 2030 for the future well-being of the Kingdom and its people.

2. We aim to build the reputation of the arab national bank as a pioneer for its community work, both nationally and regionally.

3. We strive to promote the concept of social responsibility as a fundamental pillar of business and encourage other companies to embed this into their own strategies and operations.

4. We work to spread awareness of the benefits of voluntary work, both among our own employees and society in general, to promote a sense of shared responsibility and ownership.

5. We encourage the growth of partnerships between the Bank and the charitable sector, with the aim of creating innovative programs and initiatives that will sustainably contribute to the country’s environmental and economic development. Such partnerships will highlight pioneering developmental work being done here in the Kingdom, both at home and abroad.

Investing in Giving

Since the beginning of our operations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia over four decades ago, arab national bank has sought to build a relationship with society that goes beyond a typical financial institution. We have striven to touch the lives of society through our developmental work. 
The Bank's understanding of and approach to "social responsibility" has undergone continuous development over the past years as we have sought to keep pace with the societal changes that the Kingdom is witnessing. This transformation has helped the Bank become an effective supporter of important societal issues, and we have sought to become an institution that puts the community at the center of all that we do over the long-term. Our social responsibility strategy and vision are based on international best practices and standards, and they are designed to support the Kingdom’s national developmental goals as set out by Saudi Vision 2030.
While we have achieved much for local communities and society as a whole through our various initiatives and programs, our ambition to support society is endless. As a leading provider of banking and financial services across the Kingdom, we aspire to pioneer a model of community work that fulfills our vision of serving society, meeting our social responsibility towards the public and the nation, and which reinforces our reputation as a leader in the financial services  sector.