30 Oct, 2023

arab national bank announces the launching of an inquiry service for uncollected dividends on its website

arab national bank is pleased and out of its concern, in order to preserve the shareholders' rights if its Shareholders who have not received their dividends for previous periods or whose share certificates were not deposited in their investment portfolios, a name search tool has been added in the Bank’s official website through the link:
https://anb.com.sa/ar/web/anb/shareholders_inquiry /  Inquiry about distribution of unreceived dividends 
Therefore, In case of any shareholders those who find their data within the search , you are kindly to contact Shareholders Affairs at:
Phone: 0114029000 Ext: 8778 
Or contact via email: SHA@anb.com.sa
To verify data and take the necessary action to disburse dividends and deposit shares certificates.