Eligibility Check
Complete the below form to find out what you are eligible for
The calculator provides an indicative estimation for illustration purposes only, and is not considered a final quote. The information provided by the Calculator is based on the soundness and accuracy of information provided by you, but does not take into account any undisclosed financial obligations. Arab National Bank will apply disclosure principles to the information you have disclosed, The formula used by the Calculator may change and additional fees and charges may apply. Usage of the Calculator does not constitute approval of the application. All applications are subject to anb’s standard credit policies and approval criteria. The bank reserves the right to change or reject the result without any responsibilities or obligations whatsoever on the bank.
Terms and conditions apply.
  • The credit card limit may change after a review of the client's credit record.
  • The credit limit may be affected based on the retirement age.
  • Calculation is approximate and subject to matching customer terms and conditions of Arab national bank, and the safety of his credit record as well as the final value of the item to be financed are also entitled to Arab national bank to change the terms, conditions, and annual percentage rate.
  • The annual percentage rate (APR) for the finance was calculated as of the date of eligibility. The annual percentage rate may change from what is stated in the calculator according to the actual date of granting the finance.